With decades of expertise in Solar Power, Energy Storage, and EV Charging Solutions, we deliver cutting-edge, sustainable solutions designed to meet the needs of modern living and businesses.
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What is a PV+BESS+EV microgrid |
A PV+BESS+EV microgrid integrates solar panels, battery energy storage, and EV charging infrastructure with intelligent energy management to enhance energy independence, reduce electricity costs, and optimize renewable energy usage. |
How does Billion’s PV+BESS+EV microgrid benefit businesses? |
Billion’s microgrid solution reduces electricity costs, enhances energy security, enables sustainable EV charging, and supports carbon neutrality goals. |
PV-Storage-EV Charging Solution
Platform to Reduce Energy Costs & Maximize Sustainable Power
Solar & Storage Solutions
Harness the power of the sun with our developed PV and ESS systems, designed to optimize energy efficiency and reduce costs.
Smart EV Charging Systems
Complete AC/DC charging solutions, seamlessly integrated with EV-EMS. Safe, efficient and effortless charging for homes and businesses.
Residential PV-BESS-EV Charging
Empower Your Home
Integrate PV-BESS-EV Charging for small households, perfect for daily energy needs and EV charging.
Commercial PV-BESS-EV Charging
Adaptable Energy, Anywhere
Offers a storage system paired with AC home/commercial chargers for versatile energy solutions.
Self-Sufficient Energy and Efficient Utilization
Palau has long relied on imported diesel for power generation, which has high electricity prices and serious carbon emissions. Agriculture, fishery facilities and residential electricity demand are diverse, and there is an urgent need for a stable and sustainable supply of green energy.
Creating Self-Sufficient Energy for Farmers
Faced with multiple challenges such as extreme weather, insufficient infrastructure and high cost of electricity. Billion provided flexible and efficient solar-plus-storage solutions to ensure reliable energy for smallholding loads and residents' urgent power needs.
Green Energy Transition in Saline Environment
The Marshall Islands has long relied on imported diesel power generation, with high energy costs and unstable supply, and transited to renewable energy and utilize solar power as an alternative, which becomes the key to achieving sustainable development.
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