Billion's AFC ESS Achieves Continuous Compliance with IEC/CNS 62933 Voluntary Testing

IEC 62933 standard examines various aspects of energy storage systems, including design, factory shipment, transportation, on-site assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance, as well as decommissioning. It focuses on examining the effectiveness of disaster prevention designs from the perspective of risks and hazards, aiming to achieve the expected level of safety. The standard also includes detailed testing items and specifications for type testing and on-site testing, ensuring comprehensive safety considerations from the initial design stage to the final on-site assembly stage.

Operating own sites & building new sites for external investors

  • With decades of R&D and manufacturing foundation for electronic power energy management and information and communication equipment, Billion established battery production and assembly and component warranty factories.
  • Our team has professional capabilities and many years of experience in integrating various brands of battery systems, PCS and other equipment, and independently develops EMS (Energy Management System) which is flexible to adjust by complying with Taiwan Power Company’s regulations.
  • Over the years, Billion has become a long-term partner with suppliers of core equipment (batteries, PCS, industrial computers, etc.), and became a qualified domestic maintenance provider by obtaining the authorization from original manufacturers.
  • A total of 15 employees have obtained energy trader licenses. We are capable of analyzing the overall electricity consumption status in Taiwan and adjusting the bidding strategy for different states of power surplus, shortage and power rationing.
  • There are 9.9MW has been built in domestic owned sites so far.

One-stop Energy as a Service (EaaS) company

System construction and maintenance service

  • Billion Watts offers installation and operation services for various systems, including energy storage cabinets, Battery Management Systems (BMS), Power Conversion Systems (PCS), and Energy Management Systems (EMS).

Participate in the Taiwan Power Company AFC power trading platform

  • Completed relevant Taiwan Power Company communication and capability tests, and provided diversified solutions such as grid-connected energy storage, large electricity consumers and behind-the-meter energy storage, as well as photoelectric combined energy storage according to different application scenarios of energy storage. The total capacity of the case site by assisting clients has recently exceeded 100MW.
  • Provide the fastest energy maintenance services in Taiwan and the perfect arrangement of distributed operation sites, equipped with a number of professional engineers and continue to increase the number of employees, we are able to arrive at various case sites within 48 to 72 hours to eliminate equipment abnormalities. And we are continuing to push the domestic AFC installation to a new level.

Billion Electric’s Participation in the Taipower Supplementary Service (AFC) Electricity Trading Platform

Empowering with Grid-Connected Energy Storage Equipment and Becoming the Fifth Privately Qualified Company in Taipower's Trading Platform

Billion's AFC energy storage fields have continuously passed

the IEC/CNS 62933 voluntary test

IEC/CNS 62933-5-2

The IEC/CNS 62933 voluntary test is issued by Bureau Veritas, a leading brand of the global inspection agency, and the verification process complies with the grid-connected energy storage safety regulations.

Billion has a total capacity of 10.1MW in seven ESS fields in Yilan Longde, Toucheng, Lize, and Chiayi Taibao. Since the end of 2022, they have successively passed the international certification IEC/CNS 62933-5-2 on-site test.

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Yilan Longde 2.1MW/1.65MWh

Grid connection date:2021/10

  • Market application:Regulation Reserve dReg 0.25
  • Product:SolarEdge High Power battery energy storage system
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Yilan Toucheng 2.1MW/1.65MWh

Grid connection date:2022/06

  • Market application:Regulation Reserve dReg 0.25
  • Product:SolarEdge High Power battery energy storage system
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Yilan Lize 2.5MW/1.82MWh

Grid connection date:2023/01

  • Market application:Regulation Reserve dReg 0.5
  • Product:SolarEdge High Power battery energy storage system
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Chiayi SanYuan 1.2MW/3MWh

Grid connection date :2023/03

  • Market application:Energy-shifting with Dynamic Regulating Function Reserve, E-dReg
  • Product:SolarEdge High Energy battery energy storage system

Grid-connected ESS Installation Safety Regulations

Equipment Safety Specification Content

  • For the energy storage subsystem, the industry can choose to follow the US, European regulations or Taiwan standards and submit a qualified test report or verification certificate as the basis for the review.
  • After the ESS is built, it is necessary to appoint an impartial third-party organization (ex: TAF, ILAC accredited laboratory) to conduct IEC 62933-5-2 or UL 9540 on-site test and obtain a qualified report.
Classification Equipment items U.S. regulations European regulations Taiwan
storage subsystem Cell/single battery UL 1642 or UL 1973 EC 62619 CNS 62619
Battery pack/cabinet UL 1973 IEC 62619、IEC 63056 IEC 62619、IEC 63056
Battery Management System (BMS) UL 991 or UL 1998 or UL 60730-1 IEC 61508 or IEC 60730-1 CNS 60730-1 (Expected to be announced in FY111 Q4)
Energy storage system (on-site test pass report) UL 9540 (6 tests) IEC 62933-5-2 (7 tests) CNS 62933-5-2 (Expected to be announced in FY111 Q2)


  1. Taipower Substation Procurement Specifications only require safety regulations for outdoor cabinets but do not specify safety regulations for cabinets inside containers.
  2. Most domestic testing laboratories such as UL, TUV, and AnTek(ATC) have the test ability of battery and module level.
  3. UL, AnTek(ATC), and NCSIST already have the cabinet-level UL1973 and IEC/CNS 63056 test capability (single cabinet: 180kW, including the burning test).

Billion's subsidiary, Billion Watts, has consistently obtained international safety certifications for its domestic energy storage facilities.

Billion Watts has achieved the distinction of being Taiwan's leading private AFC energy storage company, with the highest number of ESS fields successfully passing the on-site test for IEC/CNS 62933-5-2, thereby certifying essential energy storage components and battery management systems. This verification process aligns seamlessly with international certification agencies' safety specifications for grid-connected energy storage system.

Energy storage fields are required to integrate equipment that adheres to the technical specifications outlined in IEC/CNS 62933-5-2 verification. This encompasses single batteries, battery systems, Battery Management Systems (BMS), Power Conversion Systems (PCS), and outer cabinet materials. Furthermore, compliance extends beyond safety regulations to encompass the installation site, site review, and Site Acceptance Test (SAT), all within the scope of evaluation.

Following the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection's pronouncement of on-site test prerequisites, 'in operation' sites were required to fulfill on-site inspections within six months. Meanwhile, 'under construction' sites yet to finalize power transmission were mandated to secure a report before becoming eligible for inclusion in the Energy Trading Platform. Failure to adopt energy storage products aligned with the 'outdoor battery ESS site' voluntary verification system and technical specifications, or the engagement of an inexperienced system integrator during on-site testing, could have resulted in ineligibility for trading on TPC's Energy Trading Platform. Leveraging our vast experience in energy storage site construction, coupled with our alignment with pertinent ministry guidelines, Billion Watts seamlessly met the requirements for voluntary safety verification. With our firmly established track record, we are exceptionally well-equipped and positioned to become your best partner for your energy storage equipment construction journey.
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